Cooperator in a sentence as a noun

In case anyone was wondering, this is wrapped in a cooperator for a reason.

People in the real world don't fit into a neat little "cooperator" or "defector" package.

Russia could be nothing more than a scapegoat & cooperator in domestic plots.

There's nothing about your meat that would prevent you from being a **** cooperator or perpetrator.

Everyone is both a "free rider" and a "cooperator", depending on social context.

I'm having trouble understanding who is a defector, who is a cooperator, and who is the joker.

I have the feeling that it has something to do with the fact that being too cooperative makes live easy for the non cooperators.

If defectors out pace cooperators then the likelihood a defector will be wiped out is greater.

Did the 9/11 attacks actually increase the cooperator/defector ratio in the long term in a way that is not apparent to me?

Are we even one species and not many subspecies pretending to be one?A cooperator engages prey both when it is alone or with a companion.

This is why jokers don't arise when there are lots of cooperators.- The public good benefits that jokers forgo are redistributed back onto the cooperators.

Thus, if we added a single cooperator to a population of jokers, the cooperator would get a massive health benefit from not polluting, because of all the jokers "not consuming" the benefit.

In this model we would have cooperators, who go out of their way to keep the air clean; defectors, who prefer air to be cleaner, but save effort by polluting; and jokers, who are indifferent to air pollution, produce a large amount of pollution, and somehow transfer the health benefits of clean air back onto the cooperators.

>Serious question: is there a game-theoretic name for this?From the view of evolutionary game theory he might be called a "neutrally fit cooperator" or "nearly-neutrally fit cooperator".In public goods games cooperators increase the amount of public goods available to everyone, but if there is some cost to producing the good they can be subject to invasion by defectors.

Cooperator definitions


an associate in an activity or endeavor or sphere of common interest; "the musician and the librettist were collaborators"; "sexual partners"

See also: collaborator partner pardner