Convolution in a sentence as a noun

Mostly, this is just a great example to see how stencil convolution works!

I've always liked the Game of Life implemented with stencil convolution[1].

You know, memory capacity, reaction times, brain size, brain structure convolution, etc.

No, there's no real worry of that, barring some serious revolution in deconvolution.

I'm no expert in this so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a blur convolution only reversible ambiguously?

Once you really get convolution, and really get its relationship to the Fourier transform, you will be well along the path to enlightenment.

A big one that's being discussed right now is blend modes and filter effects on canvas, as we can't do a GPU blur or convolution filter on canvas contents right now.

Blind means that they have to first estimate the original convolution/blur kernel and in the second phase, apply the deconvolution.

Many commercial reverb algorithms use complex time-varying effects that can't be modelled with simple convolution.

The Sobel operator uses convolution to approximate the magnitude of the gradient.

Not to mention the fact that the majority of the nontrivial Javascript audio demos you've heard were made possible in no small part due to standardized, native code linear filtering and convolution.

You mean securing international copyright protection?The article is completely satisfactory with regard to all other legal "hurdles":"The only people who would find this sort of thing acceptable are the legal teams, administrators and royalty-collecting intermediaries who need this sort of relentlessly stupid convolution to maintain their positions.

Convolution definitions


the shape of something rotating rapidly

See also: whirl swirl vortex


a convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain

See also: gyrus


the action of coiling or twisting or winding together