Contrition in a sentence as a noun

It's weird, because there doesn't seem to be contrition or anything.

This was not an overnight decision and I doubt even the contrition in the blog post wasn't well planned.

I can't accept your apology on Heather's behalf, but I do hear your contrition.

The only things you can say that might help you would be contrition, so if you're not willing to do that, get the **** off social media.

It demonstrated some amount of respect and contrition, in a very tangible way.

Statements like the above are publicly made until it becomes clear that an act of contrition will reduce the penalty.

Because frats are not a put upon minority, or any segment of society that deserves our contrition and respect.

You have to come correct and offer up enough that it doesn't make sense for people to be angry, it has to be a legitimate apology with some contrition.

It doesn't surprise me that the Redditors responded with some contrition when this guy confronted him while the commenters on the feminist blog didn't.

People would be more forgiving to individual departments and officers if ever there was fair punishment and contrition for crimes committed by law enforcement.

The 'apology' that not-so-subtly implies Shanley has an agenda because they didn't employ her doesn't exactly exude contrition, or class.

If you have ever expressed the "wrong" opinion in the past, then this is enough to bring punitive action against you, regardless of the current circumstances, though you might win redemption if you make a loud and public declaration of contrition.

And rather than showing shame, contrition, rather than being apologetic, Obama "welcomes the debate" about privacy, and prosecutes the whistleblower with a ferocity unmatched in living memory.

Contrition definitions


sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation

See also: attrition contriteness