Constant in a sentence as a noun

But this isn't just a one-time constant increase.

The price of gold might have remained constant, but that's hardly the binding factor here.

The job is both time critical and requires constant teamwork.

He could have gone for constant updates, a new and "better" voice every year, but he chose not to.

But it's not about the amount of work; it's about the constant internal struggle.

It is like me playing a game of chess and having the constant option to drop $20 to buy another queen.

And life is a series of tradeoffs and a constant balancing act between doing what is best for us right now versus what is best for the future.

Constant in a sentence as an adjective

They don't seem to realize that the bitcoin system automatically adjusts to keep the bitcoin generation rate constant at 50 BTC per 10 minutes.

Do Bitcoin's proponents believe a constant 4% deflation rate will be somehow compatible with capitalism?

With the constant trade and monopoly prices, I was able to further entrench my dominant position each month by continuing to out bid any other doctor who tried to purchase avian meat.

In the ever constant scheduling battle between features and doing it right, features frequently end up winning, especially in consumer focused SaaS business with meaningless SLA’s.

I saw it constantly and eventually understood it as a lack of interpersonal barriers that arise in a highly individualistic society.

If you put yourself into an environment where you are constantly challenged and are working at the top threshold of your ability, then after a few years have gone by, your skills will have increased tremendously.

The locker-room atmosphere that stuff like this creates is a huge barrier to entry for a lot of people, women especially, who infer that on top of all the technically difficult stuff that everyone has to learn to be CS types, they'll also have to deal with a constant barrage of "you're not our kind" flung at them by the in-group.

Constant definitions


a quantity that does not vary

See also: invariable


a number representing a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context; "the velocity of light is a constant"


unvarying in nature; "maintained a constant temperature"; "principles of unvarying validity"

See also: changeless invariant unvarying


steadfast in purpose or devotion or affection; "a man constant in adherence to his ideals"; "a constant lover"; "constant as the northern star"


uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing; "the ceaseless thunder of surf"; "in constant pain"; "night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city"; "the never-ending search for happiness"; "the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy"; "man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation"; "unremitting demands of hunger"

See also: ceaseless incessant never-ending perpetual unceasing unremitting