15 example sentences using conquest.
Conquest used in a sentence
Conquest in a sentence as a noun
This isn't "war" but it's not "conquest" either.
Emphasis in history lessons should be on science and art, not war and conquest.
French, not Norse, was their court language both in Normandy, and later, after the 1066 conquest, in England.
They spoke French, having adopted it after their conquest of, and settlement in Normandy.
Speed and efficiency in conquest were their trademark, and the source of the fear they struck in the enemy.
Certainly preferable to how the middle east dealt with it, starting a global war of conquest.
I'm not defending the Spanish conquest - it would definitely be cool if the Incas and Aztecs had been left alone.
I believe that this war, upon which I entered as a war of defence and liberation has now become a war of aggression and conquest.
People often compare the situation to FaceBook's conquest over MySpace, but they forget that the MySpace user experience was pure ****.
The only way to "fix" Haiti-- an approach I oppose completely-- would be conquest and imperial administration.
This apparently comes from the Norman conquest: the French nobility dealt more with prepared meat while Anglo-Saxon peasants dealt more with livestock.
He writes "for much of human history... the only ways to acquire [wealth] rapidly [was] by inheritance, marriage, conquest, or confiscation.
To take just two examples extracted from the book:- pottery finds in Britain reveal that before the Roman conquest, the vessels commonly used were all locally produced and of average quality.
I've seen Bob Parsons lording over an elephant's carcass as if his contrived conquest of nature by a man with superior force and unlimited money was an incredible accomplishment.
What a surprise would it be for you when it turns out believing propaganda spouted by an authoritarian dictator with ambitions for territorial conquest is not the surest way to achieve peace!
Conquest definitions
the act of conquering
See also: conquering subjection subjugation
success in mastering something difficult; "the conquest of space"
an act of winning the love or sexual favor of someone
See also: seduction