Condensation in a sentence as a noun

But, condensation is the largest risk for mid term storage.

They're too thin and not at all spongy or porous, so the condensation will creep all the way around to the table side.

Winter, on the other hand, freezes the condensation on your eye lashes so that when you blink you can't open your eyes without effort.

You take them off and breath on them to get them up to the ambient temperature near your face so there won't be more condensation and wipe them off.

Snowflakes, like other precipitation, form around some sort of condensation nucleus -- in other words, dust.

Arrays are not collections, either in Scala, or in the blog's condensation of it. But the blog nevertheless tries to define a single extension method that works for both sequences and arrays.

When I've seen bottle gardens, they all develop a thick scum from minerals in condensation, algae, and bacterial plaques.

Does the lack of ability to observe the quantum state mean that the condensation of probabilities never happened?

And besides, usually a TL;DR of someone else's post is an opinionated summary, not a simply condensation of facts.

At off-peak periods, you'll play air conditioner drip Frogger and try to get to your destination without being slimed with a melange of condensation, pigeon poop, and algae/mold/bacteria by inferring a safe path from the locations of puddles on the sidewalk.

It seldom works well in practice, because you get a little condensation under the sheet, but it's not enough to run in rivulets into the jar, and when you DO get a few drops in the jar, the same process that is baking the water out of the dirt evaporates it from the jar.

Condensation definitions


(psychoanalysis) an unconscious process whereby two ideas or images combine into a single symbol; especially in dreams


the process of changing from a gaseous to a liquid or solid state


atmospheric moisture that has condensed because of cold

See also: condensate


the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together; "the contraction of a gas on cooling"

See also: compression contraction


a shortened version of a written work

See also: abridgement abridgment capsule


the act of increasing the density of something

See also: condensing