Concordance in a sentence as a noun

For example striping objects and using grade up to make a concordance or annotate any other data structure.

I hear much more often the appropriation of poor/outsider chic and concordance devaluation of intrinsic meaning.

In statistics you often think about having a "space of possible states of the world" and then seeking the point in that space which is in best concordance with the data you observe.

My first significant project was building a concordance generator---a key words in context generator from a given corpus.

]> And poor compliance - or non-concordance to give it its politically correct name - isn't just a problem for drug safety campaigners like Professor Shakir.

There is not a 100% concordance rate between identical twins, indicating that it is not completely geneticBeing born gay doesn't necessarily mean it's genetic.

If society has no battlegrounds for beliefs, democracy is permanently is screwed, because you need some kind of battleground for beliefs to refine beliefs in concordance with reality in the first place.

There is not a 100% concordance rate between identical twins, indicating that it is not completely genetic; however, the concordance rate is greater than between non-identical twins.

While they've tried to do this via titles/chapters and references, linear breaks are never going to be as successful as many-to-many linkages as every Bible concordance out there demonstrates.

Concordance definitions


a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity of parts with one another and with the whole

See also: harmony concord


agreement of opinions

See also: harmony concord


an index of all main words in a book along with their immediate contexts