Concision in a sentence as a noun

That, and the concision of the syntax suits me.

This author needs to learn another rule of writing: concision.

It's just that concision here means some packed meaning and some assumed knowledge, so you have to know how to read it.

Earlier id engines, to me, were masterpieces of concision.

Lispers that preach of concision mere mortals cannot possibly dream of, this is your call to arms.

It may be that there's a corresponding payoff in concision or correctness but Haskell has this reputation for a reason.

This reminds me of a blog post I read several years ago where the author connected the concision of code to the experience the author of the code had.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard friends and colleagues praise for their concision textbooks which, to my mind, are better described as harbingers of the apocalypse.

It's an important part of the Java problem that Java programmers aren't allowed to admit that verbosity is a vice and concision is a virtue.

This isn't just a matter of concision: coming up with descriptive names is hard, and usually means duplicated information, either in the name or the type declaration.

Haskell is my current choice because as far as I can tell it is the opposite of Ruby in every way except the one that is my primary criteria for interest in a language: concision.

You can certainly debate how many innocent lives Monsanto's,BP,Halliburton and Xe Services have on their concision, but I think it's safe to say that everybody agrees it's greater than zero.

By "poor" do you mean information poor, or plain?I can't speak for everyone else, but in my experience the reference manual is quite complete, and Programming in Lua is perhaps one of the best technical books I've ever read when it comes to concision and clarity.

You came here to write a one-word comment about a database too, found it already written, so instead decided to write "me too"?Or did you instead have a detailed and carefully plotted comment about the problems with Mongodb, but then you read "nasalgoat's" comment and found his concision so bold and bracing that you were intimidated from contributing your comment?If so, I urge you to reconsider.

Concision definitions


terseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few words

See also: conciseness pithiness succinctness