Conceptualise in a sentence as a verb

And if it can conceptualise, could it not over time teach itself, or learn from others?

Will it be able to conceptualise what tasks it cannot do and hire others to do them?

I guess my point is that fancy database structures may be hard for the human brain to conceptualise.

It’s hard to think of aliens that are so advanced that couldn’t conceptualise us, do they not have fiction?

But in any case, I actually find it easier to conceptualise more in depth concepts when using Ruby and Rails.

Most people have moved on from the time when trying to conceptualise what an object is or how methods work or even working with mutable state.

This just obfuscates as far as I can tell, and works around the language, making it harder to conceptualise and reason about.

You enjoy thinking laterally and can conceptualise and solve problems quickly.

Consider that you can conceptualise reading code as a linear narrative even if your eyes tell a different story.

Cognitive ai systems cannot conceptualise, they only automate the walnut.

"I guess it's because that's what intelligent people or groups of them who conceptualise themselves to have some sort of intellectually coherent purpose do.

America is seemingly unable to conceptualise the work of government in a positive sense except in terms of industrialised mass-******.

I have no concrete evidence; here be anecdotes:When I'm speaking a foreign language, I conceptualise what I want to say - language invariant, then find the correct words, and arrange them so what I say or write is grammatically correct.

Successor functions in mathematics might be an indicator of the presence of the recursive thinking necessary to conceptualise constructions such as "the redness of red" or "thinking about thinking", and these are necessary to understand the infinity of the natural number line.

Conceptualise definitions


have the idea for; "He conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients"; "This library was well conceived"

See also: gestate conceive conceptualize