Conceptional in a sentence as an adjective

"The root causes of these errors were more a conceptional[sic] issue.

But from a conceptional abstraction point the post is true.

Carriers of such genes could do with some pre conceptional counseling.

It is purely a conceptional tool, as reality corresponds to only one point on that line.

Provide pre conceptional counselling and let them decide.

You can ask high-level conceptional questions, and get pretty verbose answers.

But actually, what's welcome at the moment are mostly "conceptional" questions where an answer explains an abstract concept with prose.

A lot of experienced devs and sysadmins also voiced conceptional and design complaints but I'm not able to judge that really.

The Actor conceptional model had not yet been developed when SmallTalk-72 was designed following on SmallTalk-71.

Using early returns is a much clearer implementation of handling the conceptional If monad.

" then navigating a conceptional graph of data is the slowest, most convoluted, way of getting at that information.

The author seems to think that Clojure has some conceptional complexity to it that is easier to overcome by doing a intermediate step with Racket.

And a very good point was: I could use the same macros in the conceptional drawings as in the text, regarding macros for names for example which still could change, and so staying consistent.

Would anyone care to comment on the conceptional design of the AI in play?A comment from one of the OpenAI members: "The neural network in place is comparable to an ant brain".

That stuff is magnitudes more complicated than Haskell operators, already on a conceptional level.

It definitely shouldn't be your first language, maybe not even your 2nd choice, but if you have a conceptional knowledge of programming languages and you're keen on diving into the deep end, there's enough resources out there you're not going to drown.

Conceptional definitions


being of the nature of a notion or concept; "a plan abstract and conceptional"; "to improve notional comprehension"; "a notional response to the question"

See also: ideational notional