Comportment in a sentence as a noun

Dignity back then had to do with comportment and behaving well.

You need some polishing on professional software dev comportment, but that's to be expected.

Why would you think this is programming for the masses and not just herd-like comportment that also happens to fulfill a psychological need?

With all due respect, which is very little based on your comportment in this discussion, kindly find another community to flame.

"That person displaying the ideal scholarly comportment was citing to a crank who claimed to have a piece of the legal code set down by Romulus.

But it makes me feel drastically better: I have more energy now, I get sick less, and my general comportment no longer suggests illness to friends and family.

In my experience, the correlation between worthwhile kernel contributors, and people who enshrine Linus Torvalds' own somewhat infamous former style of comportment as somehow essential to technical excellence in the project, is negligible unto imperceptibility - so I see no reason to imagine that the project itself is imperiled by this current contretemps.

Comportment definitions


dignified manner or conduct

See also: bearing presence mien