Gestalt in a sentence as a noun

There was in the sixties a man named Fritz Perls who was a gestalt therapist.

She doesn't need to sell it so leaving it as part of the gestalt the artist created is the greater good.

The very best programmers are the ones who are able to think about the gestalt most effectively.

"Or perhaps you mean _product design_, which involves a terrifying gestalt of UI/UX design..."Terrifying, indeed.

Interestingly enough you did exactly what you seem to be condemning the above poster for: summon a gestalt of his points in the article and attack them in the abstract.

Software in the gestalt is just too broad, it is arbitrary, any logical construct you can imagine can be built, but without an application deeply considered your efforts and crafting the perfect architecture with just the right tradeoffs will flounder.

[2]In modern economics the term is mostly used to refer to the way in which markets tend to self-regulate,[3] and it's known as THE invisible hand, which is a bit unfortunate since it's such a vague metaphor that it can easily be used to refer to almost any gestalt concept.

> the gestalt of Firefox is of a development process that values press and feature creep over performance and correctness.:> I've recently been running into a number of "benchmarks" where some rendering engines achieve better performance by simply doing the wrong thing because the right one would be "too slow".

Proper Noun Examples for Gestalt

He suggested that we be called “Gestalt Engineers” - Gestalt is the German word for "form" or "shape".Loved this line and the term "gestalt engineer".

Gestalt definitions


a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts