Comedian in a sentence as a noun

If they wanted stand-up comedy we've got lots of skilled comedians.

[0]He's still working extremely hard as a standup comedian.

Quoting a comedian is not really an argument.

As George Carlin said:"I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.

If you're referring to the comedian Jon Stewart, when was he ever a politician?

He is not a comedian, more like a fashion, lifestyle and relationship expert.

Carlin was a great comedian and I'm a big fan but I'm not about to agree with this simply because the late great George Carlin said it.

It's plausible that Dell outsourced the entertainment to a local Danish agency of some sort, and that to Dell it just looked like "Mads something, some Danish comedian".

I don't think I did it because it was an experiment - if every comedian released stuff like this, I feel like I'd regularly spend money on comedy which now, I frankly don't.

There's a funny bit from a comedian named Shane Mauss about time travel that goes:"... I wish I had a real time machine, I'd go back like 300 years ago, I'd bring some piece of modern technology to really wow them.

In general, if you ever find yourself in the position of saying, "I'm a comedian, you shouldn't take what I say seriously," you should probably take a step back and ask yourself if you ought really to be participating in long-form debate.

Comedian definitions


a professional performer who tells jokes and performs comical acts

See also: comic


an actor in a comedy