Colorize in a sentence as a verb

I bet you've got ls set to colorize file names, right?

So if you colorize only based on keywords, you'll color the score too.

It stays out of the way; if you want to get fancy, colorize it so lines you entered stand out.

I made a website to help colorize photos since I don't have photoshop.

Then maybe colorize nouns in a compound noun word instead of syllables ?

For example, does it colorize photos to match the color scheme?

Screen allowed me to colorize the hardstatusline at the bottom of the page.

Then you just prefix the command with "grc", and it will colorize the output according the rules.

I had read about two paragraphs in and thought: "Wait, I thought this was supposed to colorize the code...ooooh nice.

Perhaps there exists a system other than, "colorize keywords and comments".

Over the years this has been a hobby of mine to colorize the shell on Linux or at least make it easier on my eyes.

What you're seeing as"control characters around file names" is VT-100 escape codes to colorize the text different ways.

Besides, if you do have a competent IDE, it can colorize private vs public names differently.

Can you colorize for me what kind of chunk of your operating expenses goes toward security in one form or another?

Every time Ensime is asked to colorize code, provide code completion, or jump to the definition of a symbol, it asks the presentation compiler, which gives it the right answers.

It's an established workflow for corporate meetings, theoretical physics, software planning etc., and has obvious extensions: copy/paste, save-restore, colorize, resize/move, etc.

Suppose you're writing an IDE, and you want to use the clang code to do the heavy lifting of making your editor aware of your program's AST, so that you can easily colorize it, provide in-line warnings & errors, and offer fix-it suggestions.

Colorize definitions


add color to; "The child colored the drawings"; "Fall colored the trees"; "colorize black and white film"

See also: color colorise colourise colourize colour