Colitis in a sentence as a noun

Eating these foods does not cause or make a colitis flare ups go away.

Further, we are not even sure if or in what way ulcerative colitis is related to our gut bacteria.

Another thing -- he had a disease called ulcerative colitis, which unfortunately I do suffer from as well.

The Wikipedia article on ulcerative colitis mentions diet as both a possible cause and treatment, which might add to their confusion.

FYI, the dominant theory is that ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disease, and the inflammation in the colon has nothing to do with what is eaten.

My wife has ulcerative colitis and it always surprises/annoys me when I ask the doctor about fecal transplants and they bring up the "ick" factor - how they think it is disgusting.

The bad part of nicotine is that it is so highly addictive, but it's health benefits for things like ulcerative colitis and other afflictions are becoming better studied.

Again, if fecal transplants do work, then a necessary cause of crohns/colitis could be an imbalance of gut bacteria, caused by poor diet/antibiotics/preservatives

From the wikipedia page:"Although dietary modification may reduce the discomfort of a person with the disease, ulcerative colitis is not thought to be caused by dietary factors.

You could as well claim that coke has medicinal properties due to it's high pH level.> Claim 6: The presence of the synergist in manuka honey more than doubles MGO antibacterial activityManuka.> Claim 7: Antioxidants in honey have even been associated with reducing the damage done to the colon in colitisThis study[5] was done on rats, using honey enemas... I'm not sure how much we can take from that.> Claim 8: according to recent research, may be an effective soothing agent for coughsThe cited article[6] has since published an update which states: "In the item below we said that a study compared buckwheat honey with dextromethorphan, a common ingredient in children's over-the-counter medicine in the US, and found that honey was more effective at relieving the severity, frequency and bothersome nature of the cough and that dextromethorphan was slightly more effective than a placebo.

Colitis definitions


inflammation of the colon