Coldness in a sentence as a noun

The "degree of coldness" is a worthy notion.

You don't know the pain of which you are so dismissive, far apart from the 'coldness' of text.

It requires empathy, but also harshness and coldness at times.

If you've got a chip on your shoulder, you may mistake their coldness, which is really professionalism, for judgement, which it isn't.

That means you have lowered your core temperature and your body is simply unable to respond to that coldness quickly.

In many cases, that involved tedious exercises, boring discipline, "coldness" or shouting.

If I understand Wikipedias article on tree lines[0] correctly, the variant usually referred to is due to coldness and snowpack[1].

A sudden terror and suspicion of what it loved, a lightning-bolt of contempt for what it called 'duty', a rebellious, arbitrary, volcanically erupting desire for travel, strange places, estrangements, coldness, soberness, frost, a hatred of love, perhaps a desecrating blow and glance backwards to where it formerly loved and worshipped.-- Nietzsche

That's not really surprising - all the seemingly "basic" qualities people perceive - say lightness, darkness, wetness or coldness, are very "high level" compared to what we know about the real states of matterThe argument that consciousness is a state of matter because consciousness is something we intuitively perceive is something of a throw-back to the "four elements of matter" thinking - the prescientific system where matter is organized by its perceived properties in contrast to any serious investigation of the causes of those perceived properties.

Coldness definitions


the sensation produced by low temperatures; "he shivered from the cold"; "the cold helped clear his head"

See also: cold


a lack of affection or enthusiasm; "a distressing coldness of tone and manner"

See also: coolness frigidity frigidness iciness chilliness


the absence of heat; "the coldness made our breath visible"; "come in out of the cold"; "cold is a vasoconstrictor"

See also: cold frigidity frigidness