Cohabit in a sentence as a verb

This glossary has the active form meaning "copulate" and the passive meaning not "get screwed" but rather "cohabit".

The "My girlfriend and I" part -- SF is great if you're living willing to live with ~2-3 rommates, which makes things very awkward for couples who want to cohabit.

But "coire" and "coitus" are glossed as "to cohabit" and "cohabitation", despite the fact that these are not legitimate meanings of the Latin words.

Coire does not mean "to cohabit"; it means "to copulate".Thus, the question:Why does "have sex" need to be euphemised in the gloss of coire, but not in the gloss of conjungo?

Living in the wild makes any animal wild, including humans, but raised from birth, generations of animals can learn to cohabit with humans.

They wanted to save themselves some paperwork by allowing people who cohabit as a family unit to file taxes as a family unit.

Christians in America's underclass are just as likely to cohabit without marriage as non-Christians.

It's an explanation that 'to cohabit' is substituted by the Latin 'coire', not a dictionary definition.

Plus I don't it's fair to minority students, who already face their own challenges on college campuses, to be forced to interact and cohabit with known racists.

Other than they cohabit the same environments, hence why evolution/adaption has favoured the one that produces more bacteria toxin.

If we ever encounter aliens more intelligent than ourselves, let us hope that we were able to show them that we knew how to treat other intelligent species with whom we cohabit Planet Earth.

To have a “marriage-like” relationship in BC, you do not have to share a bank account, call yourselves married, be sexually monogamous, file taxes together, or even cohabit all the time.

There is a reason why people like dril came onto the platform to lampoon and confront the absurdity of brand twitter: that corporate twitter accounts obliviously chose to cohabit the same space that everyone else uses to discuss *** eating and gender politics, and that there's assuredly nothing more pathetic than being a "personal brand".Journalists are the absolutely the most egregious examples of personal brand twitter.

I'm perfectly happy to cohabit with them, so long as there's a clear and evident understanding that where I go, spiders don't, and vice versa -- I mind me of my childhood home, which we shared with a sizable black widow who made good use of the space behind the toilet tank; as long as you didn't go carelessly sticking your fingers in dark crevices, you had nothing to worry about, and that's a good rule in any circumstance.

Cohabit definitions


share living quarters; usually said of people who are not married and live together as a couple