Coaxing in a sentence as a noun

In the cases where it is, it usually seems to have taken a fair amount of coaxing and prodding.

She required a lot of coaxing and coaching for that job because she had to ride a bus and go outside her comfort zone.

I guess the true value of bitcoin has been in coaxing all those CC companies, banks and stores into the Apple Pay scheme.

Search around for web pages aimed exclusively at coaxing young graduate students out of peer-review induced depression.

Building a business is about making money - coaxing it right out of the unit economics - not raising money.

The headline is pure link-bait, but coaxing functionality out of a zero-byte program is a clever hack, so kudos to the author for that.

Some forms of short-term storage are volatile, like RAM. They store by coaxing the neural activation into a stable attractor - as long as all the neurons keep firing in sequence, the memory stays alive.

Advertising is not informative, it's coaxing you, and just because you don't consciously decide you're going to read an ad now doesn't mean you get to ignore it.

Coaxing in a sentence as an adjective

Instead I needed to get more skilled at 'coaxing' myself into doing things – at steering my feelings into more constructive areas, and then letting my desires drive my actions.

Is usually about coaxing natural language into code, which makes no sense to me. Better to use natural language with useful code examples, which are readable to client, developer, and test software.

"It probably was the typical, purely-verbal, friendly coaxing that oft persistent Americans can engage in.

Just as making your own table is fun even though you may not have made a good table by carpentry standards, or you may paint something to decorate your wall even if won't go for a penny on ebay, coaxing a machine to help you with something is also satisfying.

Are you going to get a higher quality encyclopedia by taking raw, highly biased, unsourced, "bad" content and coaxing it into shape through a very contributor-affirming hand-holding process, or by simply turning away the "bad" content and the people who created it?

Well, ideally, the "new resource" is also genetically matched living brain, and given the plasticity of brain tissue, and maybe by way of a novel as-yet-uninvented means of coaxing, the two would mutually recognize the severed gap between the two pieces, and heal back together.

I don't buy books anymore because it's no longer useful to have a shelf dedicated to books I will never read again but I appreciate that there a ton of people who are weary about the digital medium who may need coaxing - this is a perfect segue into the Kindle for Amazon.

Coaxing definitions


flattery designed to gain favor

See also: blarney


pleasingly persuasive or intended to persuade; "a coaxing and obsequious voice"; "her manner is quiet and ingratiatory and a little too agreeable"

See also: ingratiatory