Mestizo in a sentence as a noun

Except I highly doubt the KKK are fond of mestizo people, I even doubt they even like "white" Hispanics at all.

It's also worth pointing out that the US bordered an English colony to the north and a mestizo former Spanish colony to the south.

But what's thought of as black or African-American in the US is not unlike mestizo in Latin America -- a blend of varying amounts of two racial backgrounds.

While the aristocracy may look pure european the majority of latin american countries are mestizo and is a big source of pride and identity.

People over there have this obsession with being white, with all the heart throb celebrities looking light skinned and "mestizo," and all the comedians and funny characters looking dark and more malay.

The article complains about how there are very few black and mestizo employees without ever wondering if there are differences in racial populations that would account for this.

The vast majority of the population is mestizo, that is brown if you want a better description, and since college education here is free, you do not have those clear racial divides you see somewhere else.

Mestizo definitions


a person of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry)

See also: ladino