Clothing in a sentence as a noun

"There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.

No fuss, no body strip checks, no taking off pieces of clothing.

****, I once ordered underwear from a Kickstarter clothing outfit and that came at least three months late.

And while you're here, I am sure you would be interested in some clothing and dry goods/a $6,500 ad on the most influential Apple blog.

When I lived in New York, literally 100% of my local friends used wash-and-fold and owned nothing to take care of clothing.

Decent thought experiment but the whole "wolf in sheep's clothing" part is just link bait title or a really bad analogy.

This is something frigging clothing companies do every day.

They turned it into a library, a community garden, a clothing workshop, and a bike kitchen.

As a US trust territory, for many years they had slave plantations that produced clothing for chinese companies which was labelled "Made in USA".

That my wife finds ordering a bunch of clothing, trying stuff on at home, and returning what she doesn't want to be much more efficient makes me wonder what the future of retail clothing becomes.

My family owned several clothing manufacturing plants and so I am also familiar with aspects of this business.

She sometimes even regards the "home try-on" process as superior because she can see how a new item of clothing looks with other, previously purchased garments.

I think one of the uncomfortable truths that people don't like to talk about in Silicon Valley is how much nepotism and old-boy-network is wrapped up in the clothing of "hiring from top schools".

Slashing damage will cut through tissue, muscle and fat, might even separate body parts, blunt damage will pass through protective clothing and only bruise upper layers, but shatter bones and joints mercilessly.

Why is our industry so adverse to celebrating the art of clothing and in turn the aesthetics of the human form?Why is it OK to be wearing ill-fitting jeans and an oversized stained t-shirt from a tech conference?

The bizarre edits, the poor filming, the ridiculous design of the wing, the secrecy, the way nobody in the video acts right, the way the wing magically changes designs in different shots, the fact that the wing is clearly not fully loaded, the weird clothing and gear choices, etc., etc., etc. Wired has been hoaxed hard.

Clothing definitions


a covering designed to be worn on a person's body

See also: vesture wear wearable habiliment