Clammy in a sentence as an adjective

Maybe after using the dryer your hands are still wet and clammy. I don’t know.

It was just like any other skin that was sort of clammy, like having your knee folded up.

It makes you clammy in warm weather. It's not sociable.

I’m not a huge fan of spending the night dancing with a clammy hand boy I don’t particularly like. It’s just not my thing.

Perhaps Google are doing a staged rollout of this "feature", or perhaps you have escaped the clammy grip of Google+?

So someone might have a cold clammy handshake purely through genetics. How many strikes against them should that be?

My ears start to feel clammy and like I'm building some kind of bacteria dish inside my ear. Ear plugs have never been enough for me.

Seriously life is too short to have clammy feet. Yes they are expensive but they last forever.

Eyestrain and headaches are mostly a non issue with recent models, but what they still are is clammy. They get warm.

If you notice your hand is cold and clammy beforehand, sit on it for a bit! * Making sure you are polite and courteous to everyone you meet in the office.

Sometimes when it's cold or my hands are a little clammy not even my index finger registers on the track pad or my phone.

At an IRL social gathering, when someone starts getting cranky, you see and/or hear everyone else in the room going clammy, and know they feel the same way as you do. There's a certain loudness to their silence.

Even untrained noses can pull out the waft of clammy decay in a magnolia blossom, the crotch-like quality to heady jasmine or the slightest smell of poop in roses. That is Indole.

And it was in that clammy month that the H-G men took George and Hazel Bergeron's fourteen-year-old son, Harrison, away. It was tragic, all right, but George and Hazel couldn't think about it very hard.

That first year was insanely hard, and the mere thought of meth would make my hands clammy, as if my body was still wanting it. I have no problems now with restraint, and I can be around people doing ***** and can easily sit back with no temptations.

So one would presumably prefer to have non-breathable clothing, keep that water in and potentially get 'clammy', yet stay warmer. Yet nobody seems to do this.

Capitol the rich are hoarding in their clammy pocketbooks. It seems rich people are an completely interchangable obstacle to obtain capitol.

It's the quintessential "clammy" experience. This area of the country absolutely sucks, climactically, although not quite as badly as Houston, where I lived for a while.

Not OP, but familiar with this - I don't notice it much while I'm still in it, but if you take it off and on again, it's then like putting on a sweaty shirt - it's gotten cold and clammy, but warms up and you stop noticing pretty quick. You do need to remember to rinse the padding tho, just like a sponge in the sink.

Dave, your temperature has been gradually increasing the last 36 hours and your skin is unusually clammy, you might be on the verge of a cold" Or maybe "Dave, your SPO2 is falling and your bpm is rising rapidly, you are going into shock, seek medical attention immediately". History is useful for these measurements- what is "normal" is different from person to person, so a running history could let you discover these things earlier.

From bad teams I've seen panicked looks between interviewers to make sure they don't divulge something, people turning white/clammy/sweaty, refusals to answer/insisting to move on/changing topics, silent stars at me LOL anything thats not openly a positive emotion.

I did dead-lifts several years prior to the injuries and stopped those when I had a funny "clammy skin" sensation in one of my arms; it freaked me out a little and I hated deadlifts anyway so I always thought it was just my excuse not to do them, but in retrospect I think that was probably a wise decision.

Clammy definitions


unpleasantly cool and humid; "a clammy handshake"; "clammy weather"; "a dank cellar"; "dank rain forests"

See also: dank