Circumspection in a sentence as a noun

It's not "tin foil hat", it is circumspection based on public reports about what the NSA, etc., does.

Hazlitt's display of circumspection alone is worth the read.

Seems like there's not a lot of circumspection happening in these responses.

My point is: show some humility and circumspection when asking them.

There's a widespread sentiment that current evidence of compliance to "doing right by users" should be viewed with circumspection.

That degree of circumspection is unusual and if everyone practiced it we'd have no worries at all, so I'm sorry for the criticism!

All one can do for the moment is to use the word with a certain amount of circumspection and not, as is usually done, degrade it to the level of a swearword.

For the sake of circumspection, I suppose a counterpoint to your thinking might go like this......These institutions receive an abundance of high-quality applications every year and choose only a few; for every admitted international student, several amazing domestic applicants are rejected.

Circumspection definitions


knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress; "the servants showed great tact and discretion"

See also: discretion discreetness prudence


the trait of being circumspect and prudent

See also: caution