Chrysalis in a sentence as a noun

In this case "brand loyalty" is just the chrysalis of vendor lock.

That chrysalis is not real because it's 1/100,000,000th as complex as a square foot of rainforest.

It's like the dried out husk of a chrysalis emerging beautiful from it's final metamorphosis.

As the zerg, you have to guard this mysterious chrysalis for the first several missions without having any idea what it contains.

I remember catching monarch butterfly caterpillars, as a child in New York, and keeping them with milkweed stems until they formed their chrysalis and eventually "hatched" as butterflies.

I'd feed them milkweed until they reached the pupal stage, then watch with wonder as the chrysalis changed from a jade-like, gold-rimmed ornament into a transparent capsule of folded orange-black wings.

I know the Netflix name was chosen from the beginning to be compatible with a future streaming business, but seeing this chrysalis-style business plan unfold now is quite astounding in its long-term thinking.

Chrysalis definitions


pupa of a moth or butterfly enclosed in a cocoon