Chiseled in a sentence as an adjective

There should be two women in lab coats standing next to a chiseled guy in a thong.

Seen the massive, chiseled male movie stars in movies today compared to, say, 20 years ago?

Sure, we have chiseled jaws and high cheekbones, but there isn't a word for the many different styles of noses and shapes of lips.

One day the chiseled-3D look is going to come back as retro chic and make all our sites look like The New Yorker with smushed Skittles.

Should a President swear on the chiseled tablets as a sign of entering into a covenant with the people?

QR codes can be printed on paper, chiseled into stone, engraved into metal; NFC hardware, for the most part, can't.

That's a good point, but what you see there is my personal symbol, which is the banner of the Third Reich with the swastika's tips chiseled.

And what if they pointed to a set of words chiseled out on some stones as being the command from their god to engage in human sacrifice?

Paper is going the way of the stone tablet with chiseled etchings, it is too heavy and slow, let the paper tech die peacefully next to the stone chisel tech.

She's never explicitly named; the only thing that gives her away is a single phrase: "chiseled spam"I love literary Easter eggs like that.

I would say the Nazis chiseled more than they transformed, and then the others either rationalized and became willing Nazis, or were unwillingly in their power.

It's fun to imagine that somewhere sometime a scrawny geek told a chiseled-jaw pilot "Go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script"That may have been my late father's fantasy.

I hate to break it to him, but Indiana Jones is a fictional character and, were he a real person, would have been considered a terrible, terrible archeologist -- on par with 19th century "archeologists" who dynamited ruins and chiseled choice bits off monuments.

I really like slide #7, in how it discusses that most "corporate values" are just these ambiguous ethereal ideals that don't necessarily mean anything.> "[Enron's values] were chiseled in marble in the main lobby, but had little to do with the real values of the organization.

On the other hand, if these sorts of differential pricing schemes get chiseled away over time by competition -- perhaps by giving other companies and technologies the marketing hook they need to make inroads, because after all packets are packets -- consumers win other benefits.

Chiseled definitions


having a clean and distinct outline as if precisely cut along the edges; "a finely chiseled nose"; "well-defined features"

See also: well-defined