Chirp in a sentence as a noun

This chirp scares the **** out of my dog.

If it chirps, time to replace the smoke alarm.

All without a chirp from Apple, but yeah they do take down posts.

More likely they are the chirp pings from a sidescan sonar.

You hear a chirp that the battery is low, and now you have to find it somewhere.

Have you ever had your smoke detector do the low battery chirp?

> Have you ever had your smoke detector do the low battery chirp?

> Have you ever had your smoke detector do the low battery chirp?No.

Maybe it's an accelerating frequency, like a chirp?

I just wish my phone didn't still chirp regardless of tab, but that's what I get for using a standard mail client I guess.

It took a solid 15 minutes of my standing on my tippy toes trying to figure out what would make the chirping stop.

Chirp in a sentence as a verb

You can then use this frequency difference and the chirp rate to compute the time of flight and therefore the distance.

The ones I've had, even when you hit the "hush" button, it still makes a loud chirp every 60 seconds to let you know that it's hushed, but still detects smoke.

Much faster than trying to track down the one, especially in a 2 story house where the chirp echos and isn't repeated very often.

I was going to agree with you, and then I remembered the night that the smoke detector in my rental started chirping every few minutes.

But a brief chirp that happens semirandomly every fifteen minutes is incredibly hard to track down.

If your only problem with the current smoke detectors out there is the chirp, then it can be solved by adding just the light sensor and LED, which is not a large cost addition.

Leaving a "no battery chirp"?> Drilling holes in the walls and ceilings, re-patching the the old installation point and doing this over and over to try and find a balance point of safe and convenientMeasure twice, cut once and all that. :-pI realise that I made many posts about this, but I do agree with you.

In fact, good ORM's will even provide tools to allow you to construct custom queries in the same scope as an ORM query, allowing you to have your cake and eat it too. Why would you throw out the baby with the bathwater when you can just rewrite your most egregious 10% of queries in SQL, while allowing the rest of your app to merrily chirp on?

I just wish my phone didn't still chirp regardless of tabWhat client/platform?Using the gmail client on Android, for me the experience has been that email to the alternate tabs don't count for notifications -- neither sound nor notification icon.

We then use Bluestein's chirp transform to convert each short transform into a polynomial multiplication problem over C, and finally convert back to integer multiplication via Kronecker substitution.

Chirp definitions


a sharp sound made by small birds or insects


make high-pitched sounds; "the birds were chirping in the bushes"

See also: peep cheep chirrup


sing in modulation

See also: tweedle