Chimera in a sentence as a noun

As soon as a read the first sentence + headline, I thought, wow, I bet she is a chimera!

Its pretty likely that any woman who has been pregnant is a chimera, Dr. Randolph said

So you end up with a chimera of desktop and tablet, but every user will have a learning curve.

I won't insult your intelligence by discussing the results of such a chimera.

It's not "fair"we don't choose our heritagebut then "fairness" in matters of interpersonal human affairs always was a chimera and a false god.

" The chimera says: "All users who haven't Xed with receive a guide to why they want to do that automatically on the 4th day of the trial and it is also covered in the onboarding process.

For this reason:" I predict that the very same people now hyping D-Wave will turn around and—without the slightest acknowledgment of error on their part—declare that the entire field of quantum computing has now been unmasked as a mirage, a scam, and a chimera.

Chimera definitions


(Greek mythology) fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head and a goat's body and a serpent's tail; daughter of Typhon

See also: Chimera Chimaera


a grotesque product of the imagination

See also: chimaera