Chickenpox in a sentence as a noun

Shingles can be very nasty - my mother had it after I had chickenpox.

If your kids happen get chickenpox naturally in their childhood, they'll likely be safe.

Because sending highly infectious biological material through the mail system can be exceptionally hazardous for anyone who may come into contact with it. Adult chickenpox can be lethal.

It's hard to get excited about wiping out "chickenpox" but the vaccine should reduce the incidence of deaths due to complications related to infection in children and especially in adults, as well as shingles and other illnesses related to infection.

From the CDC: "Unlike respiratory illnesses like measles or chickenpox, which can be transmitted by virus particles that remain suspended in the air after an infected person coughs or sneezes, Ebola is transmitted by direct contact with body fluids of a person who has symptoms of Ebola disease.

Chickenpox definitions


an acute contagious disease caused by herpes varicella zoster virus; causes a rash of vesicles on the face and body

See also: varicella