Chicken in a sentence as a noun

I can be at a simple restaurant, and the menu will list "pan fried chicken.

I know Linus flipped of NVidia but at the same time is a chicken and egg problem.

"\n "Beat a chicken and egg problem with a tiny subset of the market that's small but *driven*.

He follows all the conventional advice to a T -- chicken, fish, whole grain, salad.

"Its the difference between using a feather and using a chicken.

The ones you rope into dirtbag backpacking trips, hopping chicken buses through Central America.

They would have been totally confused by the menu at Rotisserie Romados which offers 1/4 of a chicken.

Chicken in a sentence as an adjective

They ate mainly seasonal vegetables, considered a chicken or roast of meat a rare treat and often went to bed hungry.

In Denmark, they prevent infections in chicken houses by thoroughly cleaning them, then using techniques developed for clean rooms to prevent infections.

You can buy a Costco block of chicken thighs and chuck them in your freezer, and then each morning just open one package of them into your slow cooker with an onion and some garlic, salt, and pepper.

Throwing the bathtub out with the bathwater in order to destroy a working layer of abstraction is insane!> This proposal has very minor chicken-and-egg problems No!

The most sensible European regulations of those listed in the article kindly submitted here are"What Europe did: Banned all forms of animal protein, including chicken litter, in cow feed in 2001.

More importantly, when an order came in for an account he had a personal interest in, he escalated matters so that DOJ would end up compromising everyone's information, by playing a game of chicken he was sure to lose.

When I ordered a set of three foot-long chicken parmesan sandwiches from Subway a few weeks ago, the guy behind the counter said, "Because prime numbers are fundamentally connected with multiplication, understanding their additive properties can be tricky.

Chicken definitions


the flesh of a chicken used for food

See also: poulet volaille


a domestic fowl bred for flesh or eggs; believed to have been developed from the red jungle fowl


a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy

See also: wimp crybaby


a foolhardy competition; a dangerous activity that is continued until one competitor becomes afraid and stops


easily frightened

See also: chickenhearted lily-livered white-livered yellow yellow-bellied