Cheapen in a sentence as a verb

But the point can stand on its own, all the points she is clearly making up actually serve to cheapen that point.

In my opinion, complaints like these cheapen sexism, which genuinely is a big problem in IT.

Even when it comes to small talk, I think one can be both respectful and charming without having to fall back on a script and cheapen the interaction.

Content aggregators on major news sites cheapen the experience.

Don't cheapen out on things for you or your family, but don't let yourself be manipulated by the consumerism that surrounds us.

A simple "stop censorship" doodle, akin to those being displayed by a number of other websites, would go a long way without cheapening Google's brand.

While I agree with you that they need to be careful not to cheapen their brand, I'd argue that they have a history of displaying custom doodles for far less significant things.

There's a strong entrepreneurial spirit on HN and that's why a lot of people are telling you that "It's okay to make money".Personally, I think it would cheapen the whole thing.

I understand the need for that level of abstraction, but personally as a UX designer and developer I feel the compromises Drupal forces cheapen my work.

Upvoted for actually citing and expressing some knowledge about Zen philosophy, unlike many of the mentions used everywhere that attempt to cheapen it.

I understand where you're coming from, but my point wasn't "I don't want an iPad", but rather that I feel like these prizes specifically cheapen the feel of the jam, especially considering how big github is.

So how does letting the guy monetize his project cheapen the thing?It's not just a random list of products - the site is still the same - a cool list of products determined algorithmically by their mentions on HN.

The record label is already making money off of its customers through sales on iTunes; why on Earth would you cheapen the service by making it seem like anyone with $40 cash-in-hand can become part of the iTunes catalog?

If you can't even think of something to work on, then I don't think people should be falling over themselves to give you money to just come up with something just because you're 'smart' ... it just seems to commoditize and cheapen the process in my opinion.

Cheapen definitions


lower the grade of something; reduce its worth

See also: degrade