Chastity in a sentence as a noun

They are the vendor selling chastity belts to stop rape.

It seems almost like a kevlar chastity belt.

He always had high ideas about chastity but seldom followed them.

His site has a whole lot of chastity belt images and drawings- I'd say that's why this site has been marked as adult.

As Carlin memorably puts it, the no-nookie clause, which is what I think you meant, is called chastity.

An encrypted social network is like handing out chastity belts to women as a means of reducing unwanted pregnancies.

But Franklin was no puritan, and to assume that the beliefs of puritans were the basis for his tips on chastity adds no real insight to this discussion.

King is known for agitating for racial equality and social justice, not for being a crusader for the virtues of chastity and fidelity.

They represent chastity and modesty, and showing off your bodily features definitely doesn't fall into those categories.

A listener replied to me that the Jesuits must be immune from this criticism, because they practice organized doubt: their novices, he said, are told to doubt Christianity; doubt the existence of God; doubt if their calling is real; doubt that they are suitable for perpetual vows of chastity and poverty.

Ultimately, Engels traces these phenomena to the recent development of exclusive male control of private property and the attendant desire to ensure that their inheritance is passed only to their own offspring: chastity and fidelity are rewarded, says Engels, because they guarantee exclusive access to the sexual and reproductive faculty of women possessed by men from the property-owning class.

Chastity definitions


abstaining from sexual relations (as because of religious vows)

See also: celibacy


morality with respect to sexual relations

See also: virtue