Characterization in a sentence as a noun

So with all that said, your characterization of MS's security claims as "FUD" are complete and utter ********.

Furthermore, "very nearly airborne" is not a fair characterization.

Everyone keeps repeating the claim that "most users don't care" but I think the more accurate characterization is "most users don't understand".

Your characterization of Rob's position on generics is notat all accurate.

As someone with a close friend who's been homeless, and other friends who've been institutionalized, I don't find the "crazy bums" characterization very constructive.

"This part of your response is mostly a characterization of the commentator based on your own speculation about whether he's worked at Zynga or met Mark Pincus.

Which is a rather big limitation, as opposed to tptacek's lying characterization of it as "without limitation".I don't really understand tptacek's position here - is he being paid for this?

I used to think this predatory characterization was sensationalist and unfair, but by now, from what I read about amazon so far in the press and even in their own press statements, I think there might be something to it.

There have been so many retcons, resurrections, inter-series crossovers and changes of characterization that it's pretty much impossible to understand what's going on with marvel comics if you haven't read the comics since the 80's.

It's interesting how little improvement in the characterization of power structures heavily intent on limiting individual liberty has occurred over the last half century.

It basically is the "Fundamental Theorem of Calculus" on steroids and it gives a characterization of integration in terms of nothing more than it's algebraic/topological relationship with derivation... which is itself abstracted as mentioned above.---Why do all this?

Characterization definitions


a graphic or vivid verbal description; "too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures"; "the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland"; "the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters"

See also: word-painting delineation depiction picture characterisation


the act of describing distinctive characteristics or essential features; "the media's characterization of Al Gore as a nerd"

See also: characterisation


acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture

See also: portrayal enactment personation