Chandelier in a sentence as a noun

Let's just say that the chandelier pictured on my website is the first of two that I built.

But I am used to looking around the table and not seeing the dimmest bulb in the chandelier.

A chain link connects two physical items, such as chain links or a chandelier or a bicycle lock.

The chandelier on my website[0] was a spec piece built for a show at the Wharton Esherick Museum[1].

I gave an overhead modern chandelier-type light in my office.

That chandelier is amazing, I've never seen anything like it!

At Home Depot the LED chandelier bulb I was looking at said "Compare to 20 watt incandescent bulb!".

Paying their staff like **** is like having a huge chandelier made of plastic, or "silverware" made of nickel.

There was a sound change in French, chair was borrowed before that change and chandelier, like many other French word that start with ch, after that change.

"Congratulations, Herr Schmidt, your 2014 taxes have just been spent on a chandelier for the rebuilt Berlin city palace!

With a corner of his eye he caught a chandelier in the living room that started swinging and then he felt the floor moving underneath his feet.

Depends on the market you're shopping in. Every remodel I see, I swear, has the same stupid orbital rings or embedded box chandelier.

I'd be less concerned about code quality and technical best practices and more interested in knowing if Mt Gox had any internal notion of preventing common stock market manipulation tricks such as wash trades and chandelier bidding.

I just learned I shouldn't be drinking when I read the sentence "the lizard men would have gotten me if it weren't for the fairy tucking me into extra dimensions where my entire worldview fell apart like a glass chandelier shattering I feel like I'm dreaming but I'm wide awake get that guy some seizure meds"

Chandelier definitions


branched lighting fixture; often ornate; hangs from the ceiling

See also: pendant pendent