Chairperson in a sentence as a noun

Which means training your chairperson is gonna be a fraught affair.

Michael Powell was himself the chairperson of the FCC not so long ago.

Many labs begin to resemble departments with the PI as chairperson.

So the position of CEO of Mozilla is in fact under that of the chairperson of the foundation.

Also, any case against a curropt Lokpal chairperson can be bought in court - and can be removed if found guilty.

"But I guess "chairperson of both boards pulled out the tomahawk" is also valid, and probably quite a bit more compelling.

> In 2017, Sutherland was chairperson of the agency when the Trump administration attempted to defund the CSB for the 2018 United States federal budget.

Ohanian was installed as chairperson at the same moment Pao was elevated to interim CEO, and at that time, in an unusual move, given "marketing and community building" as his operational portfolio.

You could at least create the appearance of order by creating an electronic system that registers the desire to speak, then selects speakers at random and/or in order of request or seniority, automatically alerting the chairperson at certain intervals to ensure a fair distribution of time.

Chairperson definitions


the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization; "address your remarks to the chairperson"

See also: president chairman chairwoman chair