Certificate in a sentence as a noun

So now anyone who can mint certificates from a CA trusted by the device can just assume Apple's position.

Thus a UAS requires a certificate and permission to fly--but they're still working on how to do that, so you can't get one yet. If you were to buy your own Predator you couldn't fly it, 'cause it might run into an airliner.

Because Curl has this weird in-between setting, which does not express any security policy I can figure out, they're effectively not verifying certificates.

Certificate in a sentence as a verb

In addition to iOS and Android, we also refused to compromise with low-end platforms like MediaTek, and made sure those clients were also all-TLS and that they employed certificate pinning.

Oh, that's in there too... they ship a 'configuration profile' which adds a new email account, so your password is leaving the device in cleartext and being used to create the profile server-side which is then shipped back to the phone and installed, how exactly?This just gets worse and worse if I understand correctly... I'm surprised that configuration profiles can be shipped to an arbitrary device from a third party this way without the user manually installing LinkedIn's certificate as trusted.

Certificate definitions


a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts

See also: certification credential credentials


a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends; "he held several valuable securities"

See also: security


present someone with a certificate


authorize by certificate