Centigrade in a sentence as an adjective

Zinc boils at just over 900 degrees centigrade.

Egg white coagulates at around 65 degrees centigrade, yolk at around 70.

I like the site, however can you add some way to convert temperature into centigrade without having to switch the currency?

So if you had to climb from 6000' to 8000' on an IFR flight plan, you would usually drop 4 degrees centigrade, which might be significant if it was raining out and it dropped below freezing.

The currently published worst-case scenarios result in a couple degree centigrade increase until 2100; and in a millenium would turn my hometown into an equivalent of Florida.

Centigrade definitions


of or relating to a temperature scale on which the freezing point of water is 0 degrees and the boiling point of water is 100 degrees