Cattiness in a sentence as a noun

From the walls of text and the style of your post, I'm not sure you didn't start the cattiness in his mind.

I read the OP comment as pointing out how the article may be biased against Ballmer.> Internet cattiness has become this mainstream thing and its inexcusable.

As someone who is older and perpetually 15-20lbs overweight, its really unnerving to see how young people just think its cool to lash out on the looks of others so casually without regard for the other person at all. Internet cattiness has become this mainstream thing and its inexcusable.

As a rule, women tend to be more socially engaged -- but there's two sides to every Schwartz: an upside and a downside, and the downside here is a certain degree of cattiness and backstabbing that even my female friends complain of.

Cattiness definitions


malevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty

See also: bitchiness spite spitefulness nastiness