Casting in a sentence as a noun

Recommendation: delete all the linguistic posturing and get down to the hard work of casting light on your ideas.

I've been there a few times and it wasn't due to a lack of effort in trying to start something and casting a wide net. Good people exist even if they haven't worked in a while, it's not like they suddenly dried up and died.

Many modern video games today actually use a sort of hybrid rasterization / ray casting approach.

I'm not saying Opera is in the right for this, but I think it's a bit premature to start casting heroes and villains in this particular narrative.

Some people feel better about direct conversations or direct answers from people vs. casting their fishing hook out in to the giant open Internet and hoping they catch their answer.

"It's "innovation's" fault.> "One important note for everyone: casting blame on any group or any individual is both unfair and simply not what we do at The Atlantic.

I really admired the way the you spoke about the Holden Outerwear company; receiving a C&D is a hard thing, but you handled it in a respectful and classy way by casting in terms of "if this could cause a good company harm then we shouldn't move forward.

I can still knock together a shell script, tail -f a logfile and pipe it through grep, get some vague clue about why something crashed by casting my eye over a Java exception error, and make a lazy developer deeply uncomfortable when he realises that - would you believe it!

Casting definitions


object formed by a mold

See also: cast


the act of creating something by casting it in a mold

See also: molding


the act of throwing a fishing line out over the water by means of a rod and reel

See also: cast


the choice of actors to play particular roles in a play or movie