Caring in a sentence as a noun

They don't even bother to give the impression of caring.

Honestly I don't care if she spends her nights and weekends caring for orphans and war widows.

One of the first signs I noticed of this was startups we funded not caring much what their domain name was.

" Fashion mattering doesn't depend on you caring.

By the time I was 15 I stopped caring about my future and from a straight A student I became a C/D student.

When a project grows up, people start caring about who contributed what, under which license and making sure every line of code is legit.

Hit your deadlines every time, not by estimating better, but by not caring how pretty your deliverable is.

Caring in a sentence as an adjective

There are no significant roadblocks to caring for and maintaining QWidget for as long as the Qt community sees fit. At the same time, Qt Quick offers some compelling advantages and is likely to evolve as well.

I take my life for granted. I take the adoration my two year old son has of me, for granted. I take my wife's love and caring for granted. I do all this, thinking that what I build today will provide a better future for all of us.

He will also be remembered for caring a lot about developers and about developers and about developers as well.

The problem is, its less qualified and their intentions aren't easily converted to caring about our product, they're distracted by some other impulse.

It's done without caring about the consequences on peoples' lives, medical and otherwise.> This is not the FBI enforcing the letter of some stupid lawDebatable!

I am sure billionaire CEOs and board members who have actual reporters, normal everyday gossiphounds and even crazies caring about their personal lives have even more incentive to be private.

Caring definitions


a loving feeling

See also: lovingness


feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others; "caring friends"