Caramel in a sentence as a noun

Is that caramel done?I got a cheap $15 one and I use it nearly every day.

The point is more that the caramel-latte-priced software model only works for items with huge volume.

If you're going to load it up with sugar and cinammon and whipped cream and three shots of caramel the quality of the coffee is largely irrelevant.

The citric acid and caramel colour isn't needed for taste experimentation.

Caramel in a sentence as an adjective

Here is the attack:Jim "Doctor Doom" Brosowski, an extraordinary hacker and renowned ****-cup player, sits in a Starbucks sipping his grande caramel macchiato.

Iteration is valid, but what is this about "triple salting"?Googling "triple salted" sha -gox gives me 13 results, of which 3 are about caramel cupcakes and none are serious evaluations of such an approach.

The original statement was that "it's hard to know what something's like if you haven't experienced it" which is a perfectly reasonable thing to say, along the lines of "you haven't had salted caramel ice cream?

But there are so many more apple apps!apple pie, apple fritters, apple juice, apple cider, apple jacks, apple crisp, apple cake, apple butter, apple muffins, apple brown betty, apple turnovers, apple strudel, apple tart, baked apples, apple sauce, caramel apples, apple dumplings, apple chutney, apple crumble, ...also with KitKat, thanks to fragmentation if you aren't careful you can be stuck with a real mess on your hands.

Caramel definitions


firm chewy candy made from caramelized sugar and butter and milk


burnt sugar; used to color and flavor food


a medium to dark tan color

See also: buff


having the color of caramel; of a moderate yellow-brown