Biometrics in a sentence as a noun

Why do people still read tech crunch?Also, biometrics for payment?

"This is the central question for all biometrics for me and I believe one of the hardest problems to solve.

It might even be useful if you're considering using biometrics of some sort yourself!In short, HN gets it right more often than not.

It's one thing to leave fingerprints all around your environment, but there is now the potential to steal your biometrics over the internet.

If biometrics were the only protection there, the patsy doctors would have very little recourse to defend themselves.

Unfortunately biometrics can be copied... and if copied, generally can't be changed.

This is a really silly statement - "This demonstrates again that fingerprint biometrics is unsuitable as access control method and should be avoided.

That's an extremely important variable in the discussion of a new piece of internet-connected hardware that collects biometrics.

Biometrics definitions


a branch of biology that studies biological phenomena and observations by means of statistical analysis

See also: biometry biostatistics