Captain in a sentence as a noun

\n6 The captain went to him and said, “How can you sleep?

And of course he argued with the captain; he was being kicked off the plane for taking a picture!

- As soon as practicable give a report to the captain and if necessary ask him to land the plane.

We apply this in Europe although it is not a written rule, I dont know how it works in USA. -Remember when in doubt it is better to ask the captain to land.

When I arrived, both officers denied saying I was required to carry ID when I asked the captain about the law.

Of course the captain confirmed that I was not required to carry ID, but at that point it didn't really matter anyway.

Captain in a sentence as a verb

My first thought: "Finally I'm interested in applying at Google, if it involves using my captain's license!

I already work nearly every waking hour on things related to jailbreaking: "I'm giving er' all she's got, captain".

This was on the B-737 NG and many of the captains were coming off the 777 or B744 and they were used to the Master Caution System being inhibited at 80 kts.

It is a giant rusty ship heading to its grave, the captain waving his big dick around "Doesn't matter what everyone says, this will be successful!

I finally failed an extremely incompetent crew and it turned out he was the a high-ranking captain who was the Chief Line Check pilot on the fleet I was teaching on.

Opposite to this in European and American companies, flight officers do half of the take off and landings due for the day, the only difference between a captain and copilot is that the captain is the one who decides the big questions, but the copilot is required to have the same piloting skills.

Captain definitions


an officer holding a rank below a major but above a lieutenant


the naval officer in command of a military ship

See also: skipper


a policeman in charge of a precinct


an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship

See also: master skipper


the leader of a group of people; "a captain of industry"

See also: chieftain


the pilot in charge of an airship


a dining-room attendant who is in charge of the waiters and the seating of customers

See also: headwaiter


be the captain of a sports team