Canalize in a sentence as a verb

Rather, they'll try to canalize it through the existing banking system. Its already hard now to buy bitcoins anonymously, and it will probably become harder.

I always wondered if success at any startup naturally sort of canalizes whatever was there previously, relationships, culture, etc.

Imo, self-knowledge and the self-confidence it helps canalize offer the only navigable route through the overpowering currents of culture towards that island of balance.

However, an easily overlooked aspect of porn is that it canalizes and binds a lot of "useless" energy. A few years ago I heard this tongue-in-cheek hypothesis about male sexuality: Once they manage to reliably eliminate all porn, it will take two days before mobs with clubs and pitchforks roam the streets making political demands.

> However, an easily overlooked aspect of porn is that it canalizes and binds a lot of "useless" energy. A few years ago I heard this tongue-in-cheek hypothesis about male sexuality: Once they manage to reliably eliminate all porn, it will take two days before mobs with clubs and pitchforks roam the streets making political demands.

Sure, we are not "doing anything wrong" other than killing civilians and even out own people against our own laws by rationalizing ways and reasons to sidestep our most core fundamentals; but we will all rue the day that the force canalizes and stripps off its mask to reveal something far more sinister than most people could even imagine. You have to remember, no horrible regime took power by saying they will graduate to brutalizing their own people.

I believe that in essence a large part of the population is xenophobe, fearing and hating what is different and the material is always there to be exploited by a capable leader that can canalize all that potential hatred towards a common goal that can blur our ethics. After all, we should always remember the nazis, as that's the history that shows us how an otherwise civilized society can turn overnight if you press the right buttons, the anti-pattern we should steer away from.

Canalize definitions


provide (a city) with a canal

See also: canal canalise


direct the flow of; "channel information towards a broad audience"

See also: channel canalise