Calomel in a sentence as a noun

No... calomel is a bunch of bad recommendations for FreeBSD.

At the time bloodletting, calomel, and blister agents were the standard of care.

We don't take calomel anymore, but it was used for over a century more, including in "teething powders" until 1954.

There's a 1965 "Perry Mason" episode in which an attempted ****** victim is given lemonade laced with mercuric chloride, with the dubious idea that this will be written off by investigators as a product of a reaction between his habitual calomel and a very weak acid.

He characterized Rush's work as “… one of those great discoveries which have contributed to the depopulation of the earth.” When Rush referred to calomel as the “Samson of medicine,” Cobbett wrote:>> Dr. Rush in that emphatical style which is peculiar to himself calls mercury the Samson of medicine.

Calomel definitions


a tasteless colorless powder used medicinally as a cathartic