Calamitous in a sentence as an adjective

> What would happen if the Chinese took the same attitude with nuclear power?I'd bet it would be pretty calamitous, as you imply.

You don't want a large portion of your assets tied up in the company you work for, where a calamitous event can both cause you to lose your job and your savings.

But I don't want to hamstring economic progress for some calamitous event with something I have low confidence will actually happen.

You read that when SaltStack managed to set e=1 in their SSH replacement protocol, and what you read was SaltStack and its defenders arguing that the mistake wasn't as calamitous as it actually was.

Calamitous definitions


(of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin; "the stock market crashed on Black Friday"; "a calamitous defeat"; "the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign"; "such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory"- Charles Darwin; "it is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it"- Douglas MacArthur; "a fateful error"

See also: black disastrous fatal fateful