Caesura in a sentence as a noun

I lost my poetic licence for taking a caesura too fast and failing to stop at an enjambment whilst under the influence of Auden. Never again.

I like my methods having flow, and if-statements and local variables break that flow, like a caesura in music. What bothers me is that I don't know if this is my progress towards becoming a zen-like programmer, or just me being bored with the old way of doing things, and discovering a new fad.

The irony is that such presentations are highly rehearsed, with each caesura calculated and every syllable stressed in advance. This is actually a major problem with the entire TV and radio age.

Caesura definitions


a pause or interruption (as in a conversation); "after an ominous caesura the preacher continued"


a break or pause (usually for sense) in the middle of a verse line