By-line in a sentence as a noun

We code reviewed my code line-by-line as a wrap-up to the interview.

Sure, if you're porting line-by-line, it's not going to be especially nice.

They wrote a naive, line-by-line translation of their python code in Go. There's probably still a lot of low-hanging optimization to be had.

Stepping through a program's execution line-by-line and checking your assumptions can be a lot slower in some cases.

But code is not text; often, I do want to compare two pieces of code next to each other, line-by-line... which is done perfectly by putting them next to each other.

And sure enough, the top ranked StackOverflow has somebody going through the code line-by-line going WTF at every opportunity.

My oldest son, now a hacker for a start-up, had work experience while in college at a medical device company, and he was impressed that every line of computer code he wrote during his summer job was reviewed line-by-line by FDA computer scientists as part of the review process for the medical device he worked on.

By-line definitions


a line giving the name of the writer of a story or article


an auxiliary activity

See also: avocation hobby pursuit sideline