Butyric in a sentence as an adjective

Someone did that at my highschool with butyric acid.

Maybe the butyric acid is more pleasant/expected in a savory food than in a sweet one.

It it true that the plan was acid in the ventilation system, but that acid was butyric acid.

For those unfamiliar, leaving out spent grains for a day or two results in a putrid buttery + vomit smell, likely due to butyric acid.

Yes, Hershey's chocolate tastes bad, however seeing as all dairy contains butyric acid and thus all milk chocolate: maybe lets not go around trying to draw an equivalence between Hershey's and vomit.

There were undercover videos showing #disruptj20 organizers plotting to chain trains & release butyric acid into the ventilation of the Inaugural Ball, among other things.

Nothing wrong with that, but chocolate covered crackers are a crowded space in the confections market and without the "malted milk" taste, which I suppose must come from the butyric acid, I found the non-US KitKat to be a completely uninspired contender.

Butyric definitions


relating to or producing butyric acid