Burial in a sentence as a noun

When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial.

But it would be inline with the data to weight against burial rites by Neanderthals.

Confront him bluntly with discussion about burial details and his will.

And on proggit: Apache, the Indian burial ground for unwanted software projects.

Neanderthals buried their dead true but it is uncertain whether they performed burial rituals.

" Why do you think that ceremonial burial is a near-universal element of human culture?

> As a consequence every known human society - both now and in the archeological record - has burial rituals of some sort.

As a consequence every known human society - both now and in the archeological record - has burial rituals of some sort.

If these burial specialists were say American, they would NOT be deployed without American armed support.

Some of the "heads" at Rano Raraku have been excavated and their bodies seen, and observed to have markings that had been protected from erosion by their burial.

And ahem, all muscles relax, which would color such an immaculate burial cloth yellow and brown for reasons I won't go into, again where are those discolorations ?

> Also curious: why did his wife refuse to permit an autopsy?Islam has fairly strict burial customs, and many Islamic clerics have outlawed autopsies.

NYTimes:"Muslim tradition requires burial within 24 hours, but by doing it at sea, American authorities presumably were trying to avoid creating a shrine for his followers.

Can one seriously argue that the many animals who gorge themselves in preparation for hibernation or cache food for later are not actively planning ahead?Neanderthals had ritual burial.

Some others are wounded or killed and taken back to Russia for treatment or burial- pro-Russian rebel leaders often admit to direct Russian military help on video- just several weeks ago Ukrainian military was advancing fast and getting close to crush the rebels in the last two large cities Lugansk and Donetsk.

Another form...in which boils erupt under the armpits,...a third form in which people of both sexes are attacked in the groin....And this form is the most dangerous of all these terrible things, which is to say that it is the most contagious, for when one infected person dies everyone who saw him during his illness, visited him, had any dealings with him, or carried him to burial, immediately follows him, without any remedy.

Burial definitions


the ritual placing of a corpse in a grave

See also: entombment inhumation interment sepulture


concealing something under the ground

See also: burying