Buffeting in a sentence as a noun

Some cars are replacing side mirrors with cameras now to help with drag and cabin buffeting.

Shuttle suffered from all sorts of buffeting that a smooth cylindrical rocket would not.

There are a lot of signs you don't get outside a full motion simulator, such as wing buffeting and "mushy" controls.

That may sound impressive, but it’s not nearly quick enough, considering that climate change is already buffeting the Earth.

> The friction around "running Mesos" has mostly been the friction of the air from exhalatoins of joy buffeting our esophagi...Is there some common phrase relating belching and being happy that I haven't heard?

Stall warning is blasting, albeit intermittently, and the aircraft is experiencing a characteristic stall buffeting as turbulent airflow develops around wings.

Quote Examples using Buffeting

This is from an interview -Lt. Col. Dale Zelko - The first missile went right over the top of me. So close, actually, that I was surprised it didn’t proximity fuse on me. I could feel the shock wave of it buffeting the aircraft.


Buffeting definitions


repeated heavy blows

See also: pounding