Brainpower in a sentence as a noun

"We have the brainpower to take this on."We do?

This is a case where there's a real tension, but I think that we can solve it by applying some brainpower to the question.

"I'm sure we have the technology, we have the brainpower," responds some congrasshole.

Yes, sitting behind a desk all day bringing brainpower to bear on saving the company money is Work.

Curious that I feel that brainpower would have been more amply available in the streets of Shenzhen than New York.

Sometimes the brainpower is not available, and I accept that.

> Curious that I feel that brainpower would have been more amply available in the streets of Shenzhen than New York...although perhaps not at 4AM, which is when you went?

Or one where trades happen in one batch once per day. I can't say I'm opposed to HFT, it just seems to sap a very large amount of engineering brainpower for not that much societal marginal benefit anymore.

"We have the brainpower in this country [to design a machine to distinguish copyrighted works from non-copyrighted works].

In the idle moments of any day my brainpower eventually leads to these sort of questions that we will have to ask ourselves about the future of societies.

The sheer amount of brainpower and processing that Google is putting into Streetview is truly staggering and unprecedented.

Smarties need to think countermeasures, and let these idiots root around in their own shite for a few years learning that they shouldn't deign to dictate what their betters have the "brainpower" to solve if they themselves can't figure out how.

Building an actual ad-supported business these days requires you get massive amounts of traffic quickly, and that means that a very large percentage of your brainpower will be devoted to user acquisition, ad network optimization, and trying to decide how you feel about auto-play video ads and popunders.

Brainpower definitions


mental ability; "he's got plenty of brains but no common sense"

See also: brain mentality